Five Feet or Less Read online

Page 15

  I didn't like rushed days like this, I liked taking my time. But as I said before, the bonus was getting to see Sarah dressed like this longer. I had a wild urge to be silly tonight so I pulled us into Burger Shack. A little cafe that has expanded from Snoqualmie Falls, they serve nothing but burgers and fries. They comically have a menu that just has Combo Meal #1 that says plainly, “Burger and fries”.

  The ladies all rolled their eyes as they looked at our dresses. We'll definitely stand out. I used to hate standing out. We had a good time joking and talking as we ate, Mark had nothing to add to our conversations. It was starting to get dark outside as we finished.

  We finally loaded up for our last destination of the night, the Plant. Luckily it was early and we found a spot in the back near a sidewalk and we parked and unloaded. The line was already building and we bypassed it. I wheeled behind Sarah with her violin. She showed her ID to the doorman and let him know the rest of us were on the list as we entered. There was no band playing this early as Sara had her set first before the headliner cover band played, so they were just piping in some pop music.

  The girls bee lined for a table and sent Mark to get drinks. I followed after handing Sarah her violin, foot pedal and a steamy kiss. “Good luck. I love you,” I whispered.

  The adoring look she gave me just made me fall all over for her again as she whispered back, “I love you, too.”

  I rolled over the the girls with what I'm sure was a dreamy expression on my face. Marcie chuckled. “Girl, you still got it bad after two years!” I nodded vigorously in agreement as Gwen chuckled.

  I saw Sarah setting up on stage and plunging into the amp. There was a big commotion over by the bar but I was too low and couldn't see past people to see what it was. Mark arrived and handed out shots and beers to the blondes and a cola to me as an announcer got on stage. “Hi everyone! Thanks for coming to the Plant tonight! As is our custom, we love to showcase up and coming talent and some of the most sought after cover bands on the west coast. Tonight is no exception. Later tonight, we have Vortex performing!”

  People exploded into cheers. Vortex was awesome! The place was getting more and more crowded as the man continued. “But first we have a special treat, the musical stylings of Sarah Kreitz-Qualls!” There was more moderate cheering except from our table. If I could have stood as I was screaming and cheering I would have, but everyone else an our table made up for it by doing the same.

  Sarah walked up to the mic with a comical look on her smiling face. She spoke into the mic, “This is for Reese.” Then she immediately started some classical violin music. People who had moved to the dance floor didn't know how to react until seconds later she hit her foot pedal and started rocking out on the violin, covering 'Snowflakes' by Satin Thunder, her voice soared with the eerily recognizable music she made at the same tempo as the previous classical music.

  Before she hit the bridge she hit the foot pedal again and went into a more complex classical piece before she was back to rock and singing like an angel, one of the Leather and Heels songs. The mash-up went like that for her entire set. People were having a blast on the dance floor now. I went out there with Gwen and Marcie and we danced to the entrancing music my wife was creating and taking us all along for the amazing ride. This was something new and exciting for everyone, they couldn't seem to get enough as she did two encores before surrendering the stage to Vortex.

  Sarah shyly sat down on my lap. I kissed her excitedly. I couldn't have been in more awe of her than I was tonight. My golden voiced siren certainly stole my heart away again.

  The commotion by the bar grew as the music started again. I looked back then had to do a double-take. Gwen was in shock, she was just repeating “Oh my god” over and over again as none other than Mandy Fay Harris broke through the crowd and walked right up to our table.

  She motioned to the empty chair and yelled over the music, “Mind if I sit?” Everyone was shaking their heads I think we all went mute. She smiled at everyone at the table and sat. She had one of the most commanding presences I had ever felt. I can only hope that one day I can exude that kind of confidence!

  She put her hand out to Sarah. “Hi Sarah. I was wondering if you could do that with anything? Is it just covers or can you do your own or original music like that? I've heard many recordings of your work these last few months, I came up from Vancouver today just so I could hear you in person.”

  Sarah's mouth was hanging open. I reached up with a giggle and gently closed it. I looked over at Mandy. “My wife can do it with anything. She can see the rhythms and tempos in her head and match them to classical pieces.” Sarah was just nodding as she tried to get her voice back. I swear Gwen was two seconds from passing out and Marcie was trying to calm her down. Mark looked uninterested, I could tell he had no clue who the music icon that was sitting here with us was. What a tool.

  Mandy took two pieces of handwritten music from a sheath of papers she was holding protectively to her bosom. Can you do something with these. She slid them in front of Sara who pivoted on my lap and looked at them. Her eyes widened as she scanned them. “My God! These are phenomenal! I can see so many transitions just here, here and here...” She was pointing at places on the music.

  Mandy started smiling broadly. “Good. I want you to record a single for me at my studio in Vancouver using these. And I want some original music too. Can you do that?”

  Now I think Sarah was two seconds from passing out. Then she nodded. Mandy smiled at this. “Good! It's settled then.” She pulled out a business card and wrote a script M on the back of it and held it out to Sarah who looked to be hyperventilating.

  Mandy's deep brown eyes were sparking with mirth, she laughed a musical laugh and handed the card to me instead since I seemed to be the only one to be holding it together. She smiled at me as she said, “Get her to Harmony Trax sometime next week and give this card to Nick Sebastian and NOBODY else. Understood?”

  She was soooo frigging hot for someone around thirty. I nodded. “I'll get her there.”

  She smiled and stood then put her hand out. “And you are?”

  I shook her hand as I said with false bravery, “Reese, Reese Qualls.”

  She smiled genuinely at me then turned to Gwen and offered her hand. Gwen squeaked out, “Mandy Fay Harris.”

  Mandy laughed in pure amusement. “No hon, I'm Mandy Fay Harris. What's your name?”

  Gwen straightened up a bit, looking embarrassed. “Gwen.” She smiled sheepishly.

  Mandy smiled at her then turned to Marcie who shook her hand vigorously. “Marcie.”

  Mark had wandered off to the bar sometime before this, I guess he was bored.

  Mandy said to us all, “It was very nice to meet you all, now if you will excuse me, I have to get back down to Vancouver to my wife.” She looked at Sarah who had finally gathered her wits. “Thank you and I hope to see you soon.” With that, rock and roll's queen of emotional rock strode confidently out. Leaving me hugging Sarah, trying to convey all of my love through it.

  I don't know why, but tears were gently rolling down my face, still amazed at this talented woman who chose me.

  Sarah looked around at all of us, shaking her head in disbelief. “What just happened Ree?”

  I giggled. “I think you just became a superstar love. You are the one that taught me that my reach is infinite. You saved me.” I smiled lovingly at her as I drifted away in her sparkling emerald eyes. “Now it is your turn to reach for the sky.”

  Books in the Music of the Soul universe...

  (All books are standalone and can be read in any order)

  Music of the Soul

  A Deafening Whisper

  Dating Game

  Karaoke Queen

  Silent Bob

  Five Feet or Less

  Short Stories in the Music of the Soul universe...

  Misadventures of Victoria Davenport: Operation Matchmaker

  Misadventures of Victoria Davenport: Operation Super Spyr />
  Books in the Valkyrie Chronicles series...

  Return of the Asgard


  Sample Chapter from my new series, Fracture: Divergence

  (Coming in the winter of 2013)


  The bolt of negative energy streaked toward me as I dove behind the dumpster in this godforsaken alley. “Shit!” I exclaimed as half the dumpster dissolved into rot. This bastard is no entry level alchemist! What the hell has the Justice Coven got me into? Those women told me he had broken some minor magi edicts. I pulled a ward that I had charged on a lay line last week out of my shoulder pack. If I could just get close enough to get an artifact of binding on him... I checked my pocket for the trinket I could use for the binding. I could feel the pocket watch where it belonged.

  I dove to the other side of the alley and this time arcane energy of unraveling struck the stack of bricks I was behind and they sloughed down into the mud they were composed of. I couldn't see what tools he was using to throw this many spells at me. I had been chasing him for fifteen minutes and he hasn't stopped casting yet. Only women can wield magic, us men have to charge tools on lay lines to capture the arcane magics to imbue the items with the power of the spells women of a coven cast upon them.

  I ran at the man, Mage Talbot, as he unleashed yet another bolt of arcane energy at me, green this time, acid. I defected it with the group of bundled owl feathers and the spell on my ward dissipated. Shit, he is powerful. The Justice Coven themselves spelled that ward for me! And I saw this time, his spell had erupted from his hand like a witch! That is impossible! Only women can wield magic!

  I tackled the man and was reaching for my binding artifact and he hit me with a spell of confusion then slipped from my grasp. I shook off the spell, I had been hit with a lot worse in my line of work. I was the best mage investigator in New York. Well at least that's what my business cards say, Alex King, Premier Mage Investigations. The Justice Coven handed the case over to me to locate him and to bring him to the coven's conclave for judgment. Talbot was good, it took weeks to track him down to the warehouse district.

  A moment later I was hit by a group of filled trash cans that had been pulled to me. Damn that hurt! And now I smell rancid like this alley. This bastard is going down. I reached into my trench-coat and pulled out a willow branch. I sneered, I charge this one over lay lines whenever I am not on a case. It has a couple years worth of power stored and I had an old girlfriend of mine imbue it with a spell of immobility. This will rival the strength of anything this guy can throw at me.

  I pulled out another ward, crap, I'm running out. This guy is dwindling my supply quickly, I'm down to my mirror wards now. Well beggars can't be choosers. I needed to finish this now, collect my bounty, and get back to my girlfriend, Jackie.

  I charged after Talbot, he had somehow jumped up to a fire escape landing about twelve feet up. I leaped and grabbed the chain on the fire escape's ladder and pulled it down to the alleyway and started climbing quickly. I smirked. This was an old fire escape with a cast iron railing, his magic will be useless here as the cast iron will dissipate it.

  I got to the roof and ducked down as he disintegrated part of the ledge. I dove over the top and rolled across the roof and came to my knees and was just able to get my ward up in time and his magic reflected back on him and my ward fell apart. He got knocked back ten feet but was able to remain upright.

  For the first time, he looked frightened. He took out a knife and sliced the air in front of him and it was like he tore a hole in space. Was it a transport portal? I raised my willow branch and chanted and purple energy shot toward him. His movements were so fast, he must have had a haste charm. He got his arm up and black energy raced to meet mine.

  The explosion of energy was incredible. In an instant, his spell canceled out two years worth of charging on one of the most powerful lay lines in the state. The release was immense and a crater was left in the roof and we were both blown backwards. By luck, well maybe it was my rabbits foot charm, my left hand was able to catch the parapet as I was thrown off the roof.

  I quickly scrambled back onto the roof. On the other side of the large smoking hole, Mage Talbot was staggering back to his feet. I pulled out a haste charm and said the incantation. Then in a blur I thrust my hand in my coat pocket and grabbed a handful of cast iron nails and threw them with all my might. He had no defense against cast iron and at least three struck him and buried deep in his skin due to the immense speed at which they were thrown.

  Still hastened, I snarled and ran around the destruction and dove at him as he jumped into the tear in space. I couldn't stop my momentum and fell into the void with him. Shit! I was falling through distortions, it was excruciating and felt like the flesh was peeling from my bones. I could see him off to the left far below me.

  And then I saw a woman in a red trench-coat falling... up? Directly toward me. I started twisting my body to avoid an impact. She was mirroring my moves exactly. We were going to collide and at this speed... I could feel the blood drain from my face... we couldn't survive.

  I saw the same realization on her face at the same instant. Then it was like time slowed. I knew this was it. The bastard had won, Talbot had killed me, and this woman. What kind of spell did he use? The last thing I thought as we collided in that void was “Huh, she's cute. I'd do her.” And everything went black as we struck each other.