Music of the Soul - Holiday Morsels Read online

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  This is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to real persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental.

  Manufactured in the United States of America



  I called from the kitchen to Abbey on the couch where she and Sammie seemed to be lost in each others eyes... again. “Abbey could you please let your mother know that the turkey is ready?”

  She grinned back at me with her amber eyes which had bright flecks in them that gave them an almost orange, catlike hue. “Sure thing... mom.” I couldn't stop my grin, she loved calling me that and I loved it when she did.

  Abbey started to rise but Sammie gave her the cutest crinkle nosed smile, playfully pushed her back down onto the couch, and said to me with her wonderful British accent, “I'll get her Vicky.” She sprang up from the couch, gave Abbey a quick peck on the lips then almost skipped to the garage door.

  She gave me a silly grin as I pulled the turkey that was about half my size out of the oven. She opened the door then popped her head into the garage, just to pull back as Mia walked in with a little paint on her cheek. I melted like I always did when I saw my angel. And that paint smudge was far too cute.

  She beamed at Sammie and said, “Four 'clock on the dot. Time to give thanks.”

  Sammie nodded cutely and responded, “Yes it is. I still don't know how you do it. Every clock in the place is jealous of your timing.” Then she added in an almost whisper. “There's a little paint on your cheek.”

  Mia's eyes went wide and she walked quickly toward our bathroom with a slight look of distress on her face. I gave her a crinkle nosed smile as she passed by, trying to restrain herself from running. She hesitated a moment as she blushed at me and tried to hide the huge smile she reserved just for me. Then she was off.

  I moved the turkey to the table and looked at all of the dishes, this was my first attempt at cooking a Thanksgiving feast, I silently hoped that we wouldn't be calling out for pizza once everyone tried it. I chuckled at myself, when Mia suggested that we host the dinner this year instead of my parents, I had blurted out without thinking, “I'd so make an awesome dinner.”

  Right on cue mom and dad stepped into the great space, through the pivoting glass door, from their walk down to the dock on the lake. As chivalrous as ever, he helped mom with her coat and hung them by the garage door.

  Mom tried to suppress a grin at me when she saw how nervous I was. Then she failed when she glanced over to see Sammie trying to pull Abbey up to her feet. My adopted daughter played with her a moment before allowing it.

  I had to grin at myself. I was one of the few people who had adopted an adult child. Simply being Abbey's step mother wasn't enough for any of us so we vexed the system by me officially adopting her as my daughter. The tears of happiness from Mia and Abbey were worth every moment, I'd do it each and every day if I could.

  I replayed the memory in my head. Happy moments like that made me thankful for the 'gifts' I normally felt were a curse. My ability to recall every moment of my life in startling detail was just one of the things I could do with a mind that never stopped. I blinked and Sammie was right in front of me. We were eye to eye, not many women are as tiny as me. She chuckled, “You were off in Vicky-land again.”

  I countered with a nose crinkle as everyone snickered at me.

  Then my breath caught as Mia stepped out to join us. Her dark hair was out of the ponytail she kept it in when she was working on her art in the garage. It was combed out and swished at her hips.

  I swallowed and had to almost physically tear my eyes from hers. I'd get lost in them and we'd never get to the meal if that happened. I heard her make an adorable sound of triumph. Oh she was so going to pay for that later tonight.

  I looked around... oh yeah, I was the hostess. “Have a seat everyone, dinner is served.” I almost tripped as I scurried behind Mia's chair to hold it as she slid in. I took my seat beside her.

  Dad took the seat at the head of the table with mom beside him, across from Mia, and the girls sat beside her.

  Mia looked around with one of her looks of awe and smiled. “We should all give thanks for all the blessings in our lives. Why don't you start us out girls.” She smiled at our daughter and her wife.

  I made the mistake of glancing over at Mia when Abbey began. I still can't believe that I was married to the woman that I had loved for so very long. I had tuned everyone out. I would replay what they said in my head later, at the moment I was lost again in the green eyes that held so much pain and so much love and happiness.

  It came around to Mia and she slowly turned her head, her eyes still on me and her smile grew as she slowly peeled them away from me. Gah! Too cute! I wanted to run around super-fast in tiny circles.

  She looked around to each person at the table, “I am thankful for all the blessings that life has given us. Both the high points and the low, shaping us all into the people we are today. The people I love more than life itself.” Her watery eyes scanned us all and she finished with a choked out, “And I am thankful for second chances.” She grasped my hand and my vision was a little blurry too.

  Then I looked around and shrugged, what more could be said? “I'm thankful for family. If everything else was taken away, I'd be the richest woman in the world, because I am thankful for love. I love all of you.”

  There were some affirmative murmurs then dad smiled and took up the giant fork and carving knife. He gave me one of his patented father smiles then said with a little smirk to me to let me know he was teasing me, “Let's see if we survive Vicky's cooking and then we'll have something else to be thankful of.”

  Everyone chuckled as plates were passed forward as dad carved the turkey. Mia still had my hand and gave it a little squeeze. I looked around at the miracle of my family and knew this was a memory I would be playing over and over in a loop in my head. I truly was the richest person in the world at that moment.

  Happy Thanksgiving everyone.

  Erik Schubach